Gillingham carnival canceled after ‘careful consideration’


The GILLINGHAM carnival will not take place this year after a “careful consideration” by its committee.

Carnival, scheduled to take place on Saturday 9 October, is an annual event that sees carts and entertainers line the streets of Dorset town along with a funfair, children’s procession and duck race.

His committee expressed concerns that social distancing measures around large events might still be in place and felt that it would be “impossible to safely control large crowds.”

A spokesperson for the committee said: ‘We believe that if Covid’s social distancing restrictions were still in place for large events, it would be impossible to safely control large crowds on the streets of Gillingham.

“The Wessex Grand Prix circuit conducted a survey of its participating members, which showed that if participants are keen to support carnivals, they are having difficulty.

“Covid’s restrictions over the past year have meant they couldn’t hold fundraising events, so their funds are low. Plus, as the restrictions for small gatherings won’t be lifted until. on June 21, they won’t have enough time to build tanks. ”

Organizers say, however, that they still hope to host other smaller events during Carnival week, including the walking treasure hunt, children’s painting competition, carnival scarecrows and virtual carnival.


About Coy Lewallen

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